Complete survey
This public consulation closed at 5pm 31 January 2022.
Please forward any queries to the consultation team at
For more information about the Restrictive Practices Review, visit the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services website.
Options for reshaping part 6 of the Disability Services Act 2006.
The Queensland Government is working to determine how Queensland’s authorisation framework for the use of restrictive practices could better align with the new roles and responsibilities under the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework and national principles.
Public consultation
There has been considerable work carried out to date, including an independent review of the current authorisation framework and a Ministerial review. To ensure our approach takes into account the needs and wishes of people with disability and their families and advocates, we want you to contribute to the Queensland Government’s consideration of the future design of Queensland’s authorisation framework.
What are we consulting on?
This consultation asks for your feedback on how particular aspects of Queensland’s authorisation framework in relation to NDIS participants could be designed. The ideas for reform are ideas only at this stage, and your input will help shape the future design of Queensland’s authorisation framework.
Have your say
To ensure that we take into account your needs and wishes, we are inviting you to comment on the work we are doing in consideration of the future design of Queensland’s authorisation framework. We have provided a variety of ways for you to have your say and share your views. It is very important that your views inform the ongoing consideration of how Queensland’s authorisation framework can deliver better outcomes for people with disability.
This consultation is guided by the consultation paper outlining the issues, potential considerations and proposed ideas for reform. Click the buttons below to access the consultation paper.
How to provide comment
You must be registered on this site to provide comments on any aspect of this consultation. If you are not registered, please register here.
You can provide feedback, comments, or ideas on how Queensland’s authorisation framework for the use of restrictive practices could better align with the new roles and responsibilities under the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework and national principles in a variety of ways. Using the buttons below you can:
- Respond to the consultation paper in one survey.
- Consider the ideas for reform individually and comment on those that are of particular interest to you.
- Lodge a written submission guided by the consultation paper.
- Participate in an online forum where you can engage and provide comments in a group setting.
Additionally, if you would like assistance to participate in this consultation, please contact us on

Comment on ideas for reform

Lodge a written submission

Attend an online forum
Do you need assistance to provide feedback, or do you have further queries?
If you would like to assistance to provide your comments, or you have any questions, please contact our team directly on