Developing a new Seniors Strategy for Queensland

This consultation is closed

Thank you to everyone who gave us your feedback.

On 8 August 2024 the Queensland Government releasedAn Age-friendly Queensland: The Queensland Seniors Strategy 2024-29which is our blueprint for achieving an age-friendly state where older people live active, healthy productive lives, where they are connected to their communities and the people and services that matter to them, cared for and supported by world class frontline services and celebrated for the significant contribution they make.

To stay informed on the new Seniors Strategy for Queensland, visit our website.

The Queensland Government is committed to supporting older people to lead healthy and productive lives where they can contribute through work, volunteering or when retired, feeling connected and cared for in their communities.

We are seeking the views of older Queenslanders to inform the development of a new state-wide strategy. Older people are important to Queensland's future and who better to inform us about their experiences and aspirations than seniors themselves.

We need your help to make sure the Queensland Government is delivering the right services and supports for seniors. Your input will help us develop a plan that meets the needs of seniors now and into the next decade.

We know Queensland’s population is ageing.

In 2019, 15.7 per cent of the Queensland population (nearly 800,000 people) was 65 years or older.

Australia Bureau of Statistics estimates that by 2050, more than one in five Queenslanders will be 65 years or older. That's nearly a quarter of our population (22.1 per cent) or 1.8 million people.

How we age is changing. Older people are living longer, are healthier and are more active than ever and we see these changes across the state.

Older people tell us they want to stay in their own homes, they value real connections, in-person and online, and they are tech savvy.

They are also the backbone of our volunteer communities, providing their wisdom and experience to organisations around Queensland.

But it’s not just their social contribution, older Queenslanders are a sophisticated and savvy market for goods and services.

The Queensland Government is committed to developing a new, contemporary strategy for an age-friendly Queensland.

Since the last strategy was launched in 2016 the world has changed. We want to continue to grow as an age-friendly Queensland where our seniors are recognised, valued, supported and connected in their communities.


B.OLD short films

The B.OLD short films are 10 documentaries that present the stories of real Queensland seniors living their lives to the full. The films celebrate the active and vibrant roles seniors play in our lives, workplaces and communities. The films are sure to spark lively conversations about how communities can support and value the contribution of older Queenslanders.

Are you getting all the rebates and concessions you are entitled to?

Find and apply for concessions and rebates that can help ease cost of living pressures for Queensland seniors.